Which Technology/Coding Language use for Mobile App Development


Swift is a programming language developed by Apple. It’s a general-purpose, high-level language for iOS, OSX and Linux. Swift combines the best ideas of Objective-C with modernity.

It’s compiled rather than interpreted like other languages so it can be faster and more efficient when running on your device or server!


Objective-c is a compiled object-oriented language developed by Apple for use in developing applications for the Mac OS X and iOS platforms. It was first released with version 1.0 of Mac OS X v10.0 “Cheetah” in 2003, and later introduced as part of iOS SDK 1.1 (released by Apple on March 2nd 2010).

Objective-C has been criticized for being difficult to learn and use, but this may be due to its small user base compared to other programming languages like C# or Java which have millions more developers working on them daily; nevertheless, it has been considered successful enough that many new technologies based off of it exist today such as Cocoa Touch framework for developing apps for various mobile devices such as iPad, iPhone etc., Foundation framework which allows developers access common elements found across all Mac OS X apps written using Objective-C


X-Code is a development environment for building apps for iOS and OS X. It’s free to download and use, but it’s also available on Mac, PC and iOS.

XCode will help you create an app that runs on Apple devices (iPhone/iPad). You’ll create your project in XCode; it includes all the necessary tools for creating an app from scratch including: code editor with syntax highlighting, integrated debugger support (debugging is important because it lets you see what code is doing), file explorer integration (so you can see where files are located), built-in version control system using Git or GitHub as well as other features like unit testing support which helps ensure that there aren’t any bugs in your software before releasing it into public view


Java is a programming language and platform-independent, object-oriented, distributed, cross-platform programming language.

Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems, who then released it as free software in 1995 under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The language has since been widely adopted by developers for building applications in many areas of technology including mobile development and enterprise applications.

Android Studio

Android Studio is a software development environment for creating applications for Android. It is based on IntelliJ IDEA, with the Eclipse plug-in integrated.

It was developed by JetBrains and Google.


Flutter is a cross-platform app development framework built on top of the Material Design specification, that allows you to build native apps for iOS and Android.

Flutter is a reactive, stateful framework for building high-performance, high-fidelity user interfaces. It’s also an option for creating native apps that run fast on older devices like the iPhone 4S or iPad 2 as well as newer models such as the iPhone XS Max.

React Native

React Native is a JavaScript library that lets you build native apps using the React framework. It’s a combination of JavaScript and Java, so it can be run on Android and iOS (and other platforms).

It supports both iOS and Android, but also allows you to write your code once then export it into multiple formats (either Native or JS).


HTML5 is a markup language that’s used to create web pages. It was designed to be human readable and therefore easier to use than previous iterations of HTML, which were more difficult for non-coders to understand.

HTML5 uses elements such as  and  tags, which you can add text or images within depending on your needs.

For example: if you want to add an image but don’t want it taking up too much space on your page, you can use . The img tag has been around since version 4 of HTML but with HTML5 it’s become much easier than ever before!


Firebase is a cloud-based mobile app development platform. The service provides a set of tools that help developers build, test and deploy their apps.

Firebase helps you to build, test and scale your app quickly by making it easy for you to create content within your app — such as images or videos — without having to manually enter them into code each time. It also allows you to use data stored in Firebase (such as user information) when building new features within your app so that they can work together seamlessly with one another.


Redis is a key-value store that can be used as a database. It’s a high-performance, non-relational database and is often compared to Memcached.

Redis offers many features that make it an excellent tool for app development, including:

  • Data persistence: Store data in memory or on disk (hard drive) in order to keep your app fast, up-to-date with real world changes and avoid having to constantly reload data from the server.
  • High availability: Reduce downtime by ensuring your app continues running even if the user loses connectivity or goes offline for any reason. This means users will never have to wait for something they’ve already finished doing!


MySQL is a relational database management system. It has become the most widely used database in the world because it’s very stable, secure and easy to use.

MySQL is an open source software that was originally developed by Oracle Corporation in 1995. Since then it has been developed as an independent project under GNU GPL license which allows anyone to contribute changes or fix any bugs they find in it.


When it comes to databases and database management software, Oracle is a powerhouse. As a company that develops and sells database management software (DBMS), they have a lot of experience in the field. Their products are used by companies around the world, so if you want to use one of their products as your go-to solution for app development then you should definitely check them out!


Illustrator is a vector graphics editor that’s available for Macs and Windows. It’s similar to Photoshop, but it has some extra tools and features that make it worth learning.

Illustrator has many tools, so it’s important to learn how they work before you start using them in your designs. This will also help you understand what type of files you can create with each tool. For example: if you want to draw a line on an image or text on top of another image then use the Line Tool; if there are multiple paths within an object then use Pathfinder Mode; if there are multiple paths within an object but those paths contain different colors (or shapes), then use Vector Masks Mode!

There are many other things related to working with Illustrator like brushes (which give great results), special effects like drop shadows etc., but these basic techniques should teach anyone who uses them enough skill so they can innovate their work further without needing any technical knowledge whatsoever – which makes it ideal as part of every developer’s toolkit!

Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a suite of design tools for mobile and web apps. It’s a vector-based drawing program that allows you to create high-fidelity mockups, prototypes and user interfaces more quickly than other tools.

Adobe XD also includes:

  • Collaborative design tool with cloud-based file sharing
  • Prototyping tool that supports iOS, Android and Web platforms (including responsive layouts)
  • Wireframing tool


Photoshop is a powerful tool for creating and editing images and graphics. This software program allows you to use the most advanced tools available in order to make your designs come to life.

Photoshop is vector-based image editor, which means that it can create images from vectors, not raster-based pixels. This allows for much more flexibility when working with design files since it doesn’t have any limitations on resolution or size like other programs do (such as Illustrator). The ability to work with vectorized data also means that you won’t have any issues exporting your work into another format such as PDFs or PSDs later on if needed!


Figma is a web-based UI design tool that has been developed by the same team that built Canva. It’s available for Mac, Windows and Linux users (with an Android version coming soon).

Figma is great for prototyping because it allows you to create mockups quickly and easily. You can also use it for wireframing ideas before moving onto more advanced tools like Photoshop or Sketch.

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